2025 Calendar of Events
BVDRC’s events are BOLDED
The 4 driving clubs in Texas are: Brazos Valley Driving and Riding Club, BVDRC.com; Houston Area Carriage Association, hacaclub.com; North Texas Whip, ntw.clubexpress.com; and Tejas Carriage Association, tejascarriageassociation.weebly.com.
If you are interested in attending Competitive Trail Challenges, please go to their actual websites: Texas Trail Challenge Club, texastrailchallengeclub.com; Equine Trail Sports, equinetrailsports.com. Due to the high volume of dates for these events, I will no longer list them; just too many.
2 more good resources for equine related activities to check out are Brazos Expo calendar – brazoscountyexpo.com; and the Texas A & M Agri-life Extension app (it is a free download). Both have numerous events/activities posted.
Due to the length of the trail riding facilities list, I have moved it to the END of the Calendar so that it is easier to reference and review. It also includes the contact information for each facility for your convenience. Please feel free to send me facilities that are not listed.
February, 2025
Feb. 1-2nd – The Grand Oaks Classic Pleasure Driving Competition to be held in Weirsdale, FL. Check website: carriageassociationofamerical.com.
Feb. 11th – RESCHEDULED DATE – Equine Evening hosted by the Brazos Extension Horse Committee. It will be held at the Brazos Extension Office; 4153 County Park Ct., Bryan, 77802. There will be 4 speakers and a light meal will be served. Doors open at 5:30 pm and presentations start at 6:30 pm. This is a free event, but you do need to RSVP. Call (979) 823-0129 to RSVP and/or for more information.
Feb. 13th – BVDRC’s monthly meeting to be held at the Reliance Baptist Church Community Center, 6925 Reliance Church Rd., Bryan, TX. The meal will be soups and the cost will be $5/person. We will eat at 6:00 pm and the meeting will start at 6:30 pm. RSVP to Tess Villarreal (979) 204-0426.
Feb. 14th – HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY! Tell your sweetheart you love ‘em! 💝💖
Feb. 15th – BVDRC’s standing ride at Millican Reserve. Riders up at 11:00 am. Contact Terry McMullin (979) 255-9647.
Feb. 21-23rd – BVDRC’s overnight ride at Train Robber Ranch. Contact Jim Wood (979) 422-0189 to get more information and/or make a reservation.
Feb. 22nd – TDHMA’s trail ride at 7iL Ranch, Cat Spring, TX, with carts, wagons, and riders. Morning ride followed by potluck lunch and ride out again in afternoon. Debbie Halford (281) 382-6271
March, 2025
Mar. 1st – ***CANCELLED***Tentative date for HACA’s annual Brookwood Drive to be held at the Brookwood Home, Brookshire, TX. HACA members give rides to the residents. Contact Terry Arnold (713) 703-3856 to volunteer and/or drive guests.
Mar. 1st – BACH Ride-A-Test to be held at On the Bit Farm, 6811 Honeysuckle Ln, Bryan, TX 77808. Offering 2024 USDF tests and 2022 USEA/WDAA tests. $45/test including a 30 minute lesson. Judge is Donna Meyer. Website: www.bachdressage.org.
Mar. 7-9th – ***CHANGE OF EVENTS*** BVDRC’s monthly ride will now be 2 different events. There will be a day ride at Richard/Ravens on the 8th (Saturday) and weekend ride at T-S. Members can pick which event they want to attend. Watch for details concerning both of these rides. Contact Josy Bray (979) 820-6344.
Mar. 9th – SPRING AHEAD! Set your clocks ahead 1 hour! ⏰
Mar. 13th – BVDRC’s monthly meeting. More details as date gets closer. Contact Lee Fuermann (979) 777-9239 or email: farriershop@icloud.com.
Mar. 15th – BVDRC’s standing ride at Millican Reserve. Riders up at 11:00 am. Contact Terry McMullin (979) 255-9647.
Mar. 15-16th – TDHMA’s Beast of Burden Weekend at Barrington Plantation Historic Site, Washington, TX. Demos with walking plows and other “walking” equipment using teams of horses and oxen. Website: TDHMA.org.
Mar. 17th – HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!! May the luck of the Irish be with you! 🍀🎩
Mar. 19-April 13th- Pin Oak Horse Show to be held at Great Southwest Equestrian Center, Katy, TX. Show has quite a few driving classes and many interesting breeds showing at it. Website: Pinoak.org or gsweq.com.
Mar. 28-30th – Texas Derby Days, hosted by HACA to be held at the Bar-17 Arena; 2384 CR 2315, Lampasas, TX. Contact Eileen Link (972) 345-8409, eleek5@verizon.net; or LKY2go.com. Website: hacaclub.com.
April, 2025
Mar. 19-April 13th – Pin Oak Horse Show to be held at Great Southwest Equestrian Center, Katy, TX. Show has quite a few driving classes and many interesting breeds showing at it. Website: pinoak.org or gsweq.com.
April 5th – ***NEW DATE*** TDHMA’s Plow Day at Frycrest Farm, 145 FM 1696 W., Huntsville, TX. Will be demos on plowing, disking, planting, etc. using horse drawn equipment. Contact (936) 355-7972 or TDHMA.org/FB.
April 10th – BVDRC’s monthly meeting. More details as date gets closer. Contact Lee Fuermann (979) 777-9239 or email: farriershop@icloud.com.
April 11-13th – BVDRC’s overnight ride at Ebenezer Park. Make your own reservations. Contact Josy Bray (979) 820-6344.
April 18-20th – 1836 Chuckwagon Races, Diamond B Ranch, Neches, TX. Gates actually open April 12th for camping, trail riding, and clinics. Website: The1836.com.
April 18-19th – Greater Houston Quarter Horse Association (GHQHA) Open All Breed Performance and Ranch Show to be held at the Brazos Co. Expo, 5827 Leonard Rd., Bryan, TX. Website: www.ghaqha.com.
April 19th – BVDRC’s standing ride at Millican Reserve. Riders up at 10:00 am. Contact Terry McMullin (979) 255-9647.
April 20th – HAPPY EASTER! Jesus has risen! 🐇✝️
April 26th – TDHMA’s field day/Trail Ride at 15780 private Rd. 4058, Somerville, TX. There will be demos in the morning and a trail ride through the woods in the afternoon. Contact Bernard Kane (512) 913-2577. Website: TDHMA.org or FB.
MAY, 2025
May 3rd – Nava Rio Spring Buckle Show to be held at 10802 Farm to Market Rd. 2621, Brenham, TX. Check FB Nava Rio Ranch Horse Productions.
May 8th – BVDRC’s monthly meeting. More details as date gets closer. Contact Lee Fuermann (979) 777-9239 or email: farriershop@icloud.com.
May 10th – BVDRC’s informal monthly ride will be the Pond-to-Pond ride. Contact Josy Bray (979) 820-6344.
May 10th – TDHMA’s Harvest Day to be held in Ledbetter, TX. Teams will work the fields with horse drawn equipment. Contact Rodney Read (979) 249-6467. Website: TDHMA.org or FB.
May 11th – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Tell your mom you love her!🧑🍼💖
May 13-19th – 2025 CAA Trip to the Royal Windsor Horse Show, Windsor, United Kingdom. Contact carriageassocationofamerica.com.
May 16-18th – OHHA Cowboy County DT/CT to be held at Payne Co. Expo Center, 4518 Expo Circle. E, Stillwater, OK. Check website; www.okharnessorse.com.
May 19-21st 2025 CAA Visit to Woburn, Woburn, United Kingdom. Contact carriageassocationofamerica.com.
May 17th – BVDRC’s standing ride at Millican Reserve. Riders up at 10:00 am. Contact Terry McMullin (979) 255-9647.
May 17-18th – SDMS ClASSic Mule and donkey show to be held at Groesbeck, TX. Check website: swdonkeyandmulesociety.com.
May 20-25th – Whiskey Ridge Ranch Racing on the Ridge Chuckwagon Races, Malvern, AR. Whiskeyridgeranch.net.
May 26th – HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! Give thanks to those that gave their all!🙏🇺🇸
June, 2025
June 12th – BVDRC’s monthly meeting. More details as date gets closer. Contact Lee Fuermann (979) 777-9239 or email: farriershop@icloud.com.
June 14th – BVDRC’s monthly informal ride will be at 7iL in Cat Springs. Contact Josy Bray (979) 820-6344.
June 14th – Sporting Day of traditional Driving at Thistle Hill Farm in Franktown, CO. Sponsored by the Colorado Driving Society. Website: ColoradoDrivingSoceity.com.
June 15th – HAPPY FATHER’S DAY! Tell your dad you love him!👑💕
June 20-21st – American Heritage miniature Donkey Sale, to be held at 5585 W. Belle Center Rd., Joplin Missouri. Contact Stephanie Dove (361) 362-4419 or email: srd35472@gmail.com; LaDonna Mangile (417) 438-5841 or email: mangilelk@gmail.com.
June 21st – BVDRC’s standing ride at Millican Reserve. Riders up at 8:30 am. Contact Terry McMullin (979) 255-9647.
July, 2025
July 4th – HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Happy Birthday, America!🇺🇸
July 4th – Wheelock 4th of July parade, Wheelock, TX. Watch for more details.
July 10th – BVDRC’s monthly meeting. More details as date gets closer. Contact Lee Fuermann (979) 777-9239 or email: farriershop@icloud.com.
July 12th – BVDRC’s annual “Summer Pool Party”. Contact Josy Bray (979) 820-6344.
July 19th – BVDRC’s standing ride at Millican Reserve. Riders up at 8:30 am. Contact Terry McMullin (979) 255-9647.
Listing of Trail Riding Options
There are numerous trail riding options around Texas. Here is a listing of some of them, and if you know of some that are not on this list, shoot me an email and let me know. Also check out the following trail riding clubs: Brazos Valley Driving and Riding Club that welcomes drivers and riders, BVDRC.com. Brazos Valley Equestrian Trail Riders is a local trail riding group, BVETR.org. Texas Equestrian Trail Riders Association is a statewide trail riding/trail development club; TETRA.memberlodge.org.
Birch Creek Park at Lake Somerville in Somerville, TX (979) 535-7763 is now open to equestrians (they have been closed due to much flood damage from 2017).
Brazos Bend State Park, 21901 FM 762, Needville, TX 77461. They have 13 miles of multi use trails, and primitive equestrian campsites at the trailhead. Phone (979) 553-5102; website: tpwd.texas.gov and type in Brazos Bend State Park.
5D Ranch Riding Trails 6536 Joee Lane, Navasota, TX 77868. Their phone is (979) 204-2559; website: 5dranchnavasotatx.com.
7iL Ranch in Cat Springs, TX (south of Bellville). Equestrian trails, RV sites, stalls, lots of trails. Phone: (979) 236-5552, website: 7iLranch.com.
Ebenezer State Park, Recreation Road 255, Jasper, TX 75951. RV sites, corrals, trails, etc. Campground inquiries call (409) 384-5716. Website: recreation.gov., Recreation.gov phone 1 (877) 444-6777.
Granger Lake State Park/Corp of Engineers at Willis Creek on CR 346, Taylor, TX. Has equestrian trails, and a few hook-ups (not in real good shape; this is a better day use facility than overnight). Website: tpwd.tex.gov.
Indian Spirit Springs 4342 Dobrovolny Rd, Bryan, TX 77807. Phone is (979) 318-2411 or email: info@IndianSpiritSprings.com. Not sure if they are still actively open for trail riding. Do know that they have much more limited riding area than when they first opened.
Lazy F Guest Ranch; 15547 FM 1116, Smiley TX 78159; (210) 391-6378, website: lazyfguestranch.com.
Millican Reserve, 19851 FM 2154, College Station, TX 77845. You will need to get a Conservancy Trail pass for $10/month to ride unlimited amounts of time for each month you sign up for. Go to the website: millicanreserve.com, select the trail pass and sign up. (979) 985-5630.
Nails Creek Park at Lake Somerville; 6280 FM 180, Ledbetter, TX 78946 (979) 289-2392. This park is now open for camping and equestrian use. It is $5/person and $2/equine. They have quite a few nice trails and pens/primitive/RV camping sites available.
Parrie Haynes Ranch 13816 Maxdale Rd., Killeen, TX 76549. Phone (254) 394-0330, email: parriehaynesranch@gmail.com, website: parrierhaynesequestriancenter.com;.
Pole Canyon Ranch, 2601 FM 689; Quituque, TX 79255. Phone: (806) 455-1446; website: Pole canyon.com. This is a privately owned ranch with 6000+ acres of of canyons, creeks, well-marked trails. They have a guest house, RV sites, bathroom/showers, and corral pens.
Reynold’s Creek Park is a Corp of Engineer facility on the shores of Lake Waco. Some of their trails are driving friendly; there is about 19 miles of trails. Their address is 2885 N. Speegleville RD, Waco, TX 76712; phone: (254) 756-5359; Goggle “Reynold’s Creek Park, Waco, TX” to get information and/or make reservations.
Richards/Raven Equestrian Traillocated in the Sam Houston National Forest. Address is 1773 FM 1791, Richards, TX 77873. This is a fairly new trail that just opened up. Check website: samhoustontrails.org. or Goggle Richards-Raven Equestrian Trail.
Rusty’s Walnut Creek Ranch, 394 Pleasant Chapel Rd, Cedar Creek, TX 78612. This facility is currently being run by Cedar Creek Saddle Club. You can trail ride here, but must give them 24 notice before arrival. Call (512) 567-1469 or heck website: cedarcreekhorse.com.
Six RS Ranch LP, 20081 FM 831, Oakwood, TX. Has RV sites, some stalls, pens, and a guest house. Contact Doris Ann (903) 388-0439 (cell/text) to reserve spots.
T bar S Horse Camp; 6387 FM 2781, Kennard, TX 75847. (832) 928-9584 (cell/text), website: TbarShorsecamp.com. This is a private facility that butts up against the Davy Crockett National Forest. Has RV sites, pens, etc. Lots of trails.
Train Robber Ranch; 2692 Iron Bridge Rd, Rusk, TX 75785. (281) 507-2714. Website: trainrobberranch.com. This facility is ONLY available by renting the WHOLE place. You cannot just show up and camp/ride there. They have a full facility – RV sites, bunkhouse, large house that sleeps a lot of people, stalls, pens, and access to Fairchild State Forest.